A poly-saturated and caffeinated podcast!

About Us

The Poly Café podcast is hosted by Valentina and Danny.

Here’s a little about our hosts:

Hello, I am Valentina aka “The Relationship Rebel”. I am a blogger, community organizer, and one of many voices in the world of polyamory. I am fluid in my relationships, sexuality, and gender. I am late in life diagnosed autistic and ADHD. I come from a background of evangelicals, came out as a lesbian and then again as bisexual in the early 2000’s and eventually found myself in a monogamous marriage with kids. I am very open about the struggles I had coming out in various ways, the risks I took telling my spouse I couldn’t be monogamous, and the struggles I continue to deal with unwrapping my brain from compulsory monogamy and the indoctrination of purity culture.

My mission is to remain authentic and honest so that those finding themselves in the situation of “I don’t think I am monogamous” know that they aren’t alone, they are not the worst person ever, and that not only will you make mistakes, it’s ok to make mistakes”. I am not a mentor and I do not give advice, but I will share my experiences and lessons learned with those who want to hear them.

Hey, I am Danny, author of, “Is Now A Good Time To Talk? How to ask for what you want and get it” (on Amazon). I’ve been poly for 5 years and for most of that time I have been a shining beacon of what not to do! I’m excited to be sharing my lessons and successes with all of you as we navigate this amazing polyamorous landscape together. I’m passionate about consent and safe space communication! I use books, videos, practice groups, and zoom calls to help people (1) figure out what they really want, then (2) go get what they really want using healthy, relationship strengthening, conversations.

Find more on DannyBurbol.com