Tag: Criticism
Ep06: Fostering Unbiased Healthy Connections with Special Guest Jorge!
Join Danny, Valentina and their thought-provoking guest, Jorge, as they take a deep dive into unspoken expectations in our vocabulary and our relationships, then move into what healthy communication and support looks like. In this episode, we talk a lot about unspoken expectations; how they creep in, how to catch them, and how to let…
Ep05: The Ups & Downs of Building Poly Communities with Special Guests Tynk & GW!
Join Danny, Valentina and their guest Tynk and GW as they talk about the ups and downs of building poly communities. In this episode, we talk about hosting community events, facilitating community discussion, why we do it, what to watch out for, and why you will need a thick skin if you attempt to bring…
Ep03: No Limits, & Graceful Communication with Special Guest Tynk!
Join Danny, Valentina and their very good friend Tynk as they explore the joys of having limitless relationships as well as the ins and outs of communicating gracefully with our poly partners. In this episode, we talk about how relationships can blossom from friendships when we don’t place limits on what we are allowed to…